Surface de controle; vos attentes?
Je copiè de l'aide de performer:
The five automation modes
Digital Performer’s five automation modes provide five different ways to record automation. For example, Overwrite mode starts recording immediately when playback begins, overwriting any existing automation in the track. Touch mode, on the other hand, waits for you to grab a knob or fader before it begins recording.
Each track in the Mixing Board can be independently assigned to one of the five modes. The automation mode menu for each track is located just above fader as shown below.
The five automation modes are summarized below:
Automation mode
When it punches in
When it punches out
As soon as playback begins
(When playback stops)*
As soon as you grab the fader or knob
(when playback stops)*
Trim Latch
----- Same as Latch ------
As soon as you grab the fader or knob
As soon as you release the fader or knob
Trim Touch
----- Same as Touch ------
*In Overwrite or Latch modes, there are actually two ways you can punch out of recording on the fly:
Disable automation recording (using any available method for disabling it)
The five automation modes
Digital Performer’s five automation modes provide five different ways to record automation. For example, Overwrite mode starts recording immediately when playback begins, overwriting any existing automation in the track. Touch mode, on the other hand, waits for you to grab a knob or fader before it begins recording.
Each track in the Mixing Board can be independently assigned to one of the five modes. The automation mode menu for each track is located just above fader as shown below.
The five automation modes are summarized below:
Automation mode
When it punches in
When it punches out
As soon as playback begins
(When playback stops)*
As soon as you grab the fader or knob
(when playback stops)*
Trim Latch
----- Same as Latch ------
As soon as you grab the fader or knob
As soon as you release the fader or knob
Trim Touch
----- Same as Touch ------
*In Overwrite or Latch modes, there are actually two ways you can punch out of recording on the fly:
Disable automation recording (using any available method for disabling it)
On dit des faders qu'ils sont "sensitifs" pour des faders qui réagissent à l'électricité de ton corps; Le simple fait de poser un doigt sur le fader le met en service, meme si tu ne le bouge pas. Pour un fader classique il faut le bouger :=)
Apple MacPro OctoCore 2.8 (2008) 8Go ram 1.5To raid0, iMac Alu 20Pcs et MacBook, MOTU, Genelec, Focusrite, Rode, Fostex, Korg, Mackie, Gibson et tout le tralala
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Non malheuresement et c ce que je pensait a la basec pour ca que je l ai acheter, des qu'on bouge le fader et qu on le bloc dans une position, le moteur continu de suivre le mouvent enregistrer ddans Nuendo. Le seule moyen est de changer de mode d'ecriture dans Nuendo, je met en erase, et des que je lache mon fader j enleve le mode read(le pt boutons vert) pour repasser sur ma passe précedente.Ca me fait utiliser la souris du moins le bouton,car je place le curseur de ma souris sur read, c vraiment dommage, j'espere qu il va y avoir un Upgrade de la bcf qui permettra a Nuendo que des qu'on bouge un fader en lecture le mode read se desangage. Ceci dis ils auraient du faire l'effort a ce prix il aurait cartonner. snif snif snif Bye