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Re: AATranslator - project converter

Publié : 18 mars 2013, 20:00
par krr
question avant de t'envoyer l'bouzin:
- comment ca gère les médias originaux ? FCP nous a pondu plein de media optimisés et proxys, a perdu 15 fois les liens vers les uns, les autres et aussi vers les médias originaux (qui sont sur les disques internes, pourtant) donc, je te fais passer un .xml, ok mais après, ca me donne quoi ?

peux tu le sortir en AAF ? (histoire de le reprendre avec un Media Comp...) ou un format compatible FCP7 ?

car il y a le son, certes mais aussi un remontage à faire... (et FCP X est une bouse fumante, là, c'est dit)

Re: AATranslator - project converter

Publié : 18 mars 2013, 20:14
par Dorian
Les médias c'est une chose, les points de montage (EDL étendue) c'en est une autre. AATranslator sait gérer ça (ie. faut il convertir les audios ? faut-il appliquer un SRC ou un changement de cadence TC ? etc.). Les options ne manquent pas. Perso j'essaye de ne pas trop jouer la dessus (conversions des médias source).
Mais si ta session de montage est déjà fuckée en interne au niveau même de ton soft de montage (FCP X donc), AATranslator ne fera clairement pas de miracles... Forcément...

Envoie toujours (pas besoin des médias donc), et je te mouline ça dans le format que tu veux, et tu verras bien. Mais si le relink des médias ne marche déjà pas à la base chez toi, je ne vois pas comment ça pourrait marcher avec ce que pourrait générer AATranslator... Mais ça se tente.

Re: AATranslator - project converter

Publié : 18 mars 2013, 20:26
par krr
oui, oui, je ne veux pas de remoulinage...

et la session, en soit, n'est pas niquée... c'est FCP X qui panique. il gère la ram n'importe comment, te colle un fichier SWAP de 60 go sur le disque (voire 120 Go à un moment donné ?!) ce qui mène la machine au crash.... ca rame sa mère (sur un octo-core 2009 avec 24 go de ram et un SSD... et deux cartes compatibles OpenCL.. ahahahahah)

je vais voir de t'envoyer ca, oui.

(merci en passant, hein)

Re: AATranslator - project converter

Publié : 19 juin 2013, 19:12
par Dorian
Encore une update, majeure, de cet outil indispensable sous Windows :

While this release is mainly concerned with the reading of PT 10 PTX files as usual we have included a host of other useful things as well.

Specifically, since the last release we have included the following:

Version 5.7.0

* ADL Export: Added 'WaveLab' option which causes the '(xFade)' entry to not be written into the ADL file
* ADL Export: Fixed an error causing sessions containing audio files over 1.2gb to crash AAT
* ADL Import: Conversions involving a single channel of a stereo file will now convert correctly
* ADL Import: Fixed a possible overflow error when reading in stereo files
* ALS Export: Fixed '&' in file & track names which caused the ALS file to appear corrupt
* Ardour Import: Correctly converts track gain when reading 'MixBus' ardour files
* Ardour Import: Fixed an issue causing a crash when converting to a SAW EDL
* Ardour Import: Fixed incorrect track order display
* Ardour Import: Now converts clip envelopes to track automation when converting to SAW EDL
* Ardour Import: Now correctly reads version 3.1 and later session files
* Cubase/Nuendo Export: Convert double quotes in markers to single quotes
* Cubendo XML Export: Now writes track polarity
* Cubendo XML Export: When converting clip envelopes to track automation any existing track automation was not being cleared
* Cubendo XML Import: Fixed issue with & and ; characters causing files not to re-link
* Cubendo XML Import: Track volumes for tracks with no volume automation are now converted
* FCP XML Import: Fixed an issue with missing clips
* FCP XML Import: Now read fcp xmls from 'Media 100'
* Nuendo XML Import: Fixed crashes due to 64bit large internal Steinberg identifiers
* Nuendo XML Import: Fixed issue where even though the fade was converted some fade 'shapes' were not being translated
* Nuendo XML Import: Fixed PT crashes caused by the presence of Nuendo 'lanes'. A warning message is now displayed.
* Nuendo XML Import: Now reads track volume & track pan where there is no track automation
* OMF Export: Fixed incorrect session offset when fps = 23.976
* OMF Import: Fixed a file naming issue with OMFs originating from Premiere Pro (Mac)
* OMF Import: Improved writing of 'intelligent' region names
* PT5 Export: 32bit audio was previously converted to 24bit and now 16bit audio is now padded to 24bit
* PTF Export: 32bit audio was previously converted to 24bit and now 16bit audio is now padded to 24bit
* PTF Export: Some improvement in fade shape translation
* PTF Import: Clip envelopes above 6.02db will be scaled back and clip makeup gain added to compensate
* PTF Import: Corrected issue with Video track causing missing clips - general improvement in converting video detail
* PTF Import: Fixed an issue where a xfade could be assigned an incorrect value
* PTF Import: Fixed missing playlists for v9 PTFs with large numbers of playlists
* PTF Import: Measures taken in an attempt to deal with 'stacked clips'
* PTF Import: Now correctly reads version for PTX files converted to PTF by PT
* PTF Import: Now validates clip length for PTX files converted to PTF by PT
* PTF Import: PTFs from PT10 with a master track displayed were causing clips to be placed on the track below the correct one.
* PTF Import: Stereo tracks are now recombined if 'Combine Split Mono Wav Files' is selected
* PTF Import: When converting to Reaper stereo track pan mode is set to 'Dual Pan' and will display both L & R pans values
* PTS Import: Will now open PT TDM versions
* SAW EDL Import: Now detects old SAW Pro EDLs and notifies that they can be converted using SAW Studio
* SAW Export: More accurate file type detail written to EDL
* SAW Import: Fixed error exporting to PTF
* Sesx Export: Fixed relative file paths containing '&' which caused the sesx file to appear corrupt
* Vegas TXT Export: Fixed crash caused by huge PTF file conversions
* Vegas XML Export: Fixed crash caused by huge PTF file conversions
* Vegas XML Export: Fixed crash caused by invalid clip lengths
* VIP Import: Improvements in reading Samplitude 12 VIP files
* Removed 'no clip' restriction. AATranslator will now convert sessions without clips/regions
* Added PTX Import function - includes clip gain, clip gain envelopes, clip pitch & stretch as well as measures taken in an attempt to deal with 'stacked clips'
* PTX Import: Sessions containing large numbers of midi tracks should convert correctly
* PTX Import: Stereo tracks are recombined
* PTX Import: When converting to Reaper stereo track pan mode is set to 'Dual Pan' and will display both L & R pans values
* Added function to import and export Pyramix XMLs

Known Issues:

PTX Alternate takes: Where multiple takes are ‘stacked’ on top of each other AAT currently cannot determine if these are alternate or overlapped clips/regions and cannot determine which should be on top.

Currently AAT will try and display all underlying clips/regions. These situations should be avoided for now.

As usual this much awaited update is free to registered users and we will endeavour to continue to keep future updates free as well.

If you would like to assist us in this effort please feel free to use the ‘Donate’ button on our web site.

Re: AATranslator - project converter

Publié : 22 juil. 2013, 14:37
par Dorian
Une petite info en direct du développeur pour ceux qui aimeraient utiliser la chose sur Mac (en attendant une version native OS X, mais chut) :


While other instructions and versions etc may work these steps worked for me

1. After downloading WineBottler.dmg - Double Click WineBottler.dmg

2. This eventually opens a window with winebottler.pkg – double click it

3. When WineBottler has finished installing, the file ‘VB6.0-KB290887-X86.exe’ should be saved into

4. Double click the AATranslator install file (usually 'AATranslator setup.exe' or 'setup.exe')
You will be prompted with 'You are about to open a Wine file'
Select 'Convert to simple OS X Application bundle with WineBottler'
Select 'Go'

5. The WineBottler environment may update itself but eventually a yellow coloured screen will appear
The following parameters need to be selected
- new prefix (default)
- select the AATranslator install file (usually ‘AATranslator setup.exe’ or 'setup.exe')
- this is an installer, execute it
- select vb6run & vcrun6 from the WineTricks list (it may not be in alphabetical order)
- select ‘Bundle’
- unselect silent installs
- you can name the identifier anything you like
Then select ‘Install’

6. You will be asked for a name (I suggest AATranslator) and a location (I would suggest ‘Applications’)

7. If all goes well the AATranslator install screens will appear and you will then step through the AATranslator installation

8. Make sure you do not select the option 'launch AATranslator' but rather exit AATranslator by selecting 'Finish' and you will be prompted to 'Select Startfile'.
This is the file to run when you double click the created application.
From the list select ‘AATranslator.exe’

9. Go to ‘Applications’ (assuming that that is the location you chose in step 6) and select ‘AATranslator’ and then select ‘Show Package Contents’ and navigate to :
Contents/Resources/WineTricks/drive_c/Program Files/Suite Spot Studios/AATranslator
You must save your licence file to this location

10. Run the AATranslator application (assuming that is what you called it in step 6) and make sure you enter your registration details under the AAtranslator Help menu


Pour rappel : site web d'AATranslator.

Re: AATranslator - project converter

Publié : 07 sept. 2014, 18:25
par Dorian
Nouvelle version avec pas mal de corrections. A noter qu'il est parfaitement possible de l'utiliser sur Mac via Wine/WineBottler (gratos, une doc est disponible pour ça), et je viens de tester, ben ça marche...

* AAF Import: Significant improvement reading Avid Media Composer AAF files
* AAF Import: Significant improvement reading X2Pro AAF files
* AAF Import: Significant improvement reading Automatic Duck AAF files
* AAF Import: Output should now go to 'Send Output to...' folder and temporary 'stream' files should be removed
Please check the AAF sub-folder (below the AATranslator install folder) for previously undeleted stream files and remove them
* ADL Export: BWF 'TimeReference' will now be written into the ADL if found in the WAV file and the SADIE option is selected
* ADL Export: Fixed issue with clip gain for non-english languages
* ADL Export: Improved writing of 23.976 fps ADL files - note that a bug in SADIE stops 23.98 ADLs from loading
* ADL Import: Fixed issues with 23.976 Non Drop timecode
* ADL Import: Fixed issues with 29.97 Non Drop timecode
* ADL Import: Now reads ADL files from Dalet
* Ardour Export: Ardour2 expects dashes in folder names to be replaced with underscores - now fixed
* Ardour Export: Fixed pan automation
* FCP XML Export: Numerous improvements
* FCP XML Import: Fixed an issue where fades and xfades could be calculated incorrectly
* FCP XML Import: Better support for xmls originating from Xto7
* Nuendo XML Import: Fixed a clip size/position error caused by 44.1k math conversion when exportijng to AES31/ADL
* Nuendo XML Import: Fixed an issue causing an end of file error
* OpenTL Import: Improved readability of pre-2000 Apple/SD2 poorly formated session files
* OMF Export: Fixed error where AIF files were not being converted to BWF when option selected
* OMF Import: Fixed media linking issue with embedded aif files being converted to BWF
* PRJ Import: Added function to import Auria projects
* PT5 Import: Improved support for SoundScape produced PT5 session files
* PTF Export: False positive reporting of 'hidden clips' has been fixed
* PTF Export: Improved linking of audio files when PTF opened in PT
* PTF Import: Corrected a rare error calculating xfade value
* PTF Import: Fixed a weird error with incorrect fade length based on an obscure PT flag
* PTF Import: Fixed an issue where clips were allocated to an Aux track in mac version 8.03
* PTF Import: Fixed issue with incorrect panning value on split tracks
* PTF Import: Fixed issue with invalid track mute value
* PTF Import: Fixed issue with pan and volume details not being read from PTF files from version 8 & 9
* PTF Import: Fixed issue with pan and volume details not being read from PTF files saved from PT 10 or later
* PTF Import: Fixed subscript error caused by a combination of numerous Aux and Midi tracks
* PTF Import: Now converts tempo and meter automation to RPP
* PTF Import: Fixed an issue where Aux tracks throw out the order of the track names
* PTF Import: Track volume automation now recorded to 9 decimal places
* PTX Import: Display of Playlists now affected by 'Ignore PT Playlists' option
* PTX Import: Fixed a weird error with incorrect fade length based on an obscure PT flag
* PTX Import: Now converts tempo and meter automation to RPP
* PTX Import: Now converts version 11.1.2 and greater
* PTX Import: Now reads playlist details and displays as additional muted tracks
* PTX Import: Track volume automation now recorded to 9 decimal places
* PTX Import: Track automation sometimes linked to previous track - now fixed
* RPP Export: Fades larger than 999,999 samples were previously limited to 999,999 - now fixed
* RPP Export: Automation mode now set to 'trim/read' by default
* RPP Export: Clip envelopes are now set to visible
* RPP Export: Track gain is now written to RPP even if track volume automation is present
* RPP Import: Improved handling of 'Takes'
* RPP Import: Fade types now convert when exporting to AES31 ADL and WaveLab option is selected
* RPP Import: Fixed an issue where Markers/Ranges were not being imported
* RPP Import: Fixed an issue where some German RPPs caused a 'system overflow' error
* RPP Import: Converting to PTF with 'Use Clip Env for PT Output' option selected. The ‘Pan’ and Automation options can be ‘enabled’ or disabled.
If ‘Pan’ option is NOT ticked then all but a single Track Pan Automation point will be removed
If 'Automation' is not ticked then clip gain will be converted to track volume automation
If 'Automation' is ticked then clip volume automation will be converted to track volume automation.
* SAW Export: Any clips/regions which are 'hidden' or which fully hide other clips on the same track will be moved to a new track
* SAW Export: Fixed an error which caused the wrong audio to be linked to the wrong clip
* SAW Export: Fixed an error where clips with xfades may be out of sync
* SAW Export: Fixed error writing FPS where 29.97 & 23.976 were defaulting to 25fps
* SAW Export: If the 'Copy/Extract Media' option is selected and media is found then the session and media will be converted to 24bit
* SES Import: Now gives an option to use clip envelopes or track automation when converting to Ardour
* SESX Import: Fixed an issue with Bulgarian number formatting
* Steinberg XML Export: Fixed error where the audio in a 96k session was not audible
* Steinberg XML Export: The 'Media' subfolder will now be searched for referenced audio files
* Steinberg XML Export: When converting to PTF mono tracks split because of the presence of stereo clips will not be renamed with "-L" & "-R" suffix
* Tracktion Import: Fixed numerous issues with T4 & T5
* TXT Import: Where required audio should now extracted from MOV, AVI & MP4 files
* VEG Import: Added support for Sony Vegas VEG version 8 - previously AAT only read from Vegas version 9
* VEG Import: Improved reading of version 8 to 12 VEG files
* VEG Import: Audio now extracted from MOV, AVI & MP4 files where no video track present but an audio track from a video file is present
* VEG Import: Corrected possible error with track automation points on lengthy timelines
* VEG Import: Fixed overflow error in sessions containing subclips
* VEG Import: Now reads Bus name
* VEG Import: Now reads Bus routing for version 8 to 12 VEG files

Selectable option added to convert AIF files to WAV (BWF)
If the output folder is set to the AATranslator installation folder then a warning message will be displayed

Re: AATranslator - project converter

Publié : 09 mars 2015, 18:43
par Dorian
Nouvelle version de cette super moulinette :

Version 6.0
* AAF Export: Now create reference AAFs
* AAF Import: Added support for Avid Symphony AAF files
* AAF Import: Added support for mixed fps Avid Media Composer / Symphony AAF files
* AAF Import: AIF files not converting to BWF when option set due to references having no path name now fixed
* AAF Import: Fixed an issue with Avid Media Composer & Avid Symphony AAFs where xfades were not converted
* AAF Import: Fixed an issue with Avid Symphony AAFs where in incorrect media file was referenced
* AAF Import: Fixed issues exporting to FCP XML
* AAF Import: Improved handling of AAFs containing stereo media
* AAF Import: Improved reading of xfades
* AAF Import: Improved support for AAFs from Grass Valley's Edius
* AAF Import: Now check for AAFs which are both 'embedded' and 'referenced'
* AAF Import: Now correctly reads stereo tracks in Avid Media Composer / Symphony AAF files
* AAF Import: Now reads clip gain if present
* ADL Export: 'Fairlight' option now writes curve details for non-linear fades
* ADL Export: Fixed issue where stereo track detail could be written incorrectly
* ALS Export: Should now relink audio automatically if audio is in same folder as ALS
* ALS Import: Improved conversion of 'warped' clips
* ALS Import: Improved positioning of audio within each clip
* ALS Import: Now converts clips where the BPM differs to that of the session BPM
* ALS Import: Now converts 'looped' clips with a single or no warp marker and will convert to RPP
* ALS Import: Now reads the master tempo map and will convert to RPP
* ALS Import: Now reads time signature
* ARG Import: Fixed an error where missing 'cut' files caused AATranslator to crash with an 'overflow' error
* EDL Import: Now reads volume automation for CMX3600 EDLs produced by Premiere 6.5
* FCP XML Export: Fixed issue with some video clips displaying incorrectly
* FCP XML Export: Fixed issues importing from AAF
* FCPXML Import: Added preliminary capability to read version 1.4 format fcpxml (FCP X 10.1.3)
* NHSX Import: Now read Hindenburg Journalist format session files
* Nuendo XML Import: Fixed issues with languages using "," for decimal indicator
* OMF Export: Fixed an issue causing PT to crash when files not present during conversion
* OMF Import: Fixed an issue where some incorrect fadein values were reported
* OMF Import: Fixed issue where Premier Pro OMFs could link to incorrect media
* OMF Import: Improved reading of Steinberg OMFs specifically created using Version 4 of Steinberg's OMF creation software
* OMF Import: Now converts clip envelopes to track automation by default and is no longer an option
* PT5 Import: Modification to better deal with SD2 files
* PTF Export: Stereo tracks were not being split - now fixed
* PTF Import: Fixed error causing specific Mac version 7.2 PTFs to sometimes crash
* PTF Import: Fixed fatal crash when converting to OpenTL
* PTF Import: Fixed issue where incorrect linking of audio due to the presence of multiple video files
* PTX Import: Fixed issue where incorrect linking of audio due to the presence of multiple video files
* PTX Import: Fixed error where fadeins were not being converted for versions after version 11.0
* PTX Import: Fixed fatal crash when converting to OpenTL
* PTX Import: Now read bus routing where track(s) are routed to an (aux) track but NOT a track routed via ‘virtual bus’ to an Aux track
* PTX Import: Surround sound ~ 5.1 to stereo tracks will now be panned left & right rather than centre
* Pyramix XML Export: Now remove 'nulls' from clip names if present
* RPP Export: Added support for 48, 50, 60 & 75fps
* RPP Export: Now writes time signature if available
* RPP Import: Where clips overlapped fadeins & fadeouts were defaulting to xfades. Now fixed
* RPP Import: Fixed error reading session offset
* RPP Import: RPP import function totally rewritten to take into consideration 'takes'
* SAW Export: Fixed an issue which caused an error 53
* SESX Export: Improved writing of timeline/ruler & FPS details
* SESX Export: Improved writing of xfades
* SESX Import: Fixed an issue linking clips and audio
* TXT Export: Fixed error with additional quotation marks in last 2 fields
* VEG Import: Fixed error caused by clips in Veg file not linked to any audio
* Added status bar to main screen
* Removed warning message regarding Avid Media Composer AAF conversions
* Setup now installs MSVCP100.DLL & MSVCR100.DLL into the AATranslator folder and not the System32 folder minimising impact with some other applications