Publié : 03 sept. 2011, 19:41
Un grand merci à toi Robin ! Je transmets !
Il me semblait qu'il y en avait d'autres, mais je ne sais plus trop...
Il me semblait qu'il y en avait d'autres, mais je ne sais plus trop...
Le son qui a du sens
De plus les dernières mise à jour Flux ne font plus planter Soundminer !Its files that have malformed chunks on the end, what we've seen is some apps(including old protools) write the overview chunk wrong and that screws up. The good news is that if you have been using (v4pro 4.2)v94 or higher, whenever you embed files it fixes these issues[we did it from a space saving point of view in the soundfiles], but it makes Apple's code happy too.
The problem you'll see it that the file refuses to play(it'll throw an exception error - unable to get track, or an AUGraph setup error). And you won't be able to transfer it either.
Same issue affected Lion, so whatever they did was committed into both codebases.
The solution is to embed any files giving issues using a v4pro version built after May 10