AudioGaming devient Le Sound

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AudioGaming devient Le Sound

Message non lu par Dorian »

Un petit message pour signaler qu'AudioGaming, petite société française innovante bossant sur des outils audio pour le jeu vidéo mais aussi pour la post-prod (AudioWind, AudioRain, AudioMotors, AudioSteps), devient Le Sound. Je vous copie/colle le communiqué de presse :
We are pleased to announce that we completely reworked our webstore.

We take this occasion to introduce our new brand name: Le Sound. The AudioGaming name was a bit confusing as our products are working equally well in Games and regular post-production contexts so we decided to introduce this new brand name. will now point to
Besides the new design and brand name, you will find some news features in the days ahead, including:

- New V2 & V3 versions for all of our plugins, iLok integration, performances improvements, news presets and more.

- A monthly subscription with a bundle concept including all of our sound-design plugins as well as new plugins added several times a year !

- A new AudioElec plug-in (guess what kind of sounds it will make).

Nothing changes for your current licenses. If you experience any trouble, do contact us through support: support AROBASE audiogaming POINT net.

As we release very soon the new subscription system including former plug-ins as well as new ones, you will get cross-grade offers. For those of you who only want to switch to ilok there will be an exclusive offer too.

Stay tuned, Le Sound.
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Messages : 13
Inscription : 19 janv. 2012, 22:12

Re: AudioGaming devient Le Sound

Message non lu par Roland »

Suis-je le seul à trouver leur politique tarifaire extrêmement agressive, surtout quand on possède déjà la plupart de leur plugs?
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Messages : 147
Inscription : 28 août 2009, 15:05
Localisation : Région de Marseille
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Re: AudioGaming devient Le Sound

Message non lu par neeco13 »

Aggressif tu veux dire beaucoup trop cher?