Je suis à 100% d'accord avec toi la dessus mais je reviens à mon exemple extrême (Woody Allen) qui même après moultes explications et installations de systèmes différents, il n'a pas voulu en démordre !A mon avis, dans le cinéma, il n'y a qu'une personne susceptible de donner son aval ou non à des expérimentations "hors-normes", c'est le réalisateur.
A condition, bien évidemment, que son équipe Son lui ait bien expliqué les enjeux de telles décisions, ex : si ton film est diffusé en SR le résultat ne sera pas le même; sur une mauvaise diff, ça passera à la trappe; en Stéréo, il se passera ceci; en télé, ça ne passera pas; en DivX, n'y compte même pas, etc....
Extrait de l'ITW de Lee Dichter:
"Somehow, I can't see Woody Allen embracing 5.1.
[Laughs] No. Here's a Woody Allen story. Up until some time in the '80s, Woody's films were always released in mono. By the time I began working with him, we were starting to find out that playing a mono optical on a Dolby pickup head in the theaters was degrading the sound even more than it would normally, so we finally convinced him to start mixing his films in the Dolby format so we could match the industry standard, as far as the release was concerned. I think it was [the film] September in 1987. We were pushing for years to try to change him over, but he had his screening room set up for mono. So we had to get Dolby involved to help push this along and help to entice him to switch over. He finally agreed.
So there we were. We were sitting there knowing we were going to release September in the Dolby format: left, center, right and mono surround. The opening-credit music came on and it was in stereo, and I had the pan pot wide open, and he says, “You know what, Lee, that sounds interesting, but it's a little too wide. Can you pull it in a little?” So we went back and brought it in a little. “Can you pull it in a little more?” And this went on and on until it was finally dead center and he said, “I like that. Do that for the whole movie.” I said “Woody, that's mono.” He said, “No wonder it sounds so good!” [Laughs]"
L'article complet ici: ... e_dichter/
Alors ma question est : on fait comment quand le réalisateur n'a pas toutes ses facultés auditives ?
Il ya également le fait que certains réalisateurs préfèrent laisser le son en retrait pensant mettre l'image plus en valeur...