Job to be filled composer + sound designer

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Job posting

Job to be filled composer + sound designer

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Hello everyone,

I work in Lucky Cart and we are looking for a composer and sound designer for our corporate animation film (1mn20). We are a start up, our website will help you to get a more concrete idea of ​​our website. we have done a video for the video production process and need a background music for the same.

Here is the link :
This is a relatively urgent project, the video is over.

Here are some links of videos with the sought musical style:

- (first video)

NB: as you can see in his examples, we are looking for a specific musical style. We are looking for a composer / sound designer who has already worked on similar projects.

If you are interested in this project, do not hesitate to contact me .

Thank you to join with your application previous works of compositions similar to the examples above ;)

Thank you very much!