Plug in SSL gratuit
Plug in SSL gratuit
Est-ce que qqu'un est allé cherché le plug-in gratuit? Je travaille sur Pro Tools donc je n'ai pas pu l'essayer, mais profitez-en, vous, utilisateurs VST et AU (Mac) ... lugin.html ... lugin.html
Plugin SSL (tout sauf gratuit !)
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Tu dois probablement parler du SSL LMC-1 (Listen mic compresseur) qui est téléchargeable gratuitement sur le site de SSL.
Je l'ai téléchargé et testé sur une batterie uniquement.
Alors, le verdict:
Déjà, le plug-in est très léger en mémoire, pas besoin d'une bête de course pour le faire tourner.
Ensuite, l'ergonomie et les contrôles disponibles, bien là, c'est pas la joie.
déjà, on a un niveau d'entrée et de sortie. OK. Ensuite, ça reprend l'architecture des compresseurs optiques classiques, donc, pas de réglages d'attaque possible. Elle est prédéfinie, mais je ne sais pas à quelle valeur. Le taux de compression est réglable (ouf !) mais il n'y a pas de release (L"hallucination).
C'est du rudimentaire quoi.
Le son, premier constat, c'est que c'est très efficace dans la mesure ou la moindre variation du taux de compression se ressent nettement.
Mais au delà de ça, très gros défaut, le LMC-1 colore énormément le son, avec une fâcheuse tendance à jouer le rôle de filtre coupe-bas. Du coup, il devient systématique des réhausser les basses après le LMC-1.
Mais mis à part ça, le rendu est agréable à l'oreille. du moins, sur un son de batterie, elle parait plus naturelle plus "chaude", plus dans un espace réel grâce au LMC-1.
J'utilise le LMC à la phase de composition, dans le séquenceur, sur certaines pistes, de façon très légère, mais rarement au mix, et certainement pas au mastering où je préfère passer là par Waves SSL4000 comp.
Je l'ai téléchargé et testé sur une batterie uniquement.
Alors, le verdict:
Déjà, le plug-in est très léger en mémoire, pas besoin d'une bête de course pour le faire tourner.
Ensuite, l'ergonomie et les contrôles disponibles, bien là, c'est pas la joie.
déjà, on a un niveau d'entrée et de sortie. OK. Ensuite, ça reprend l'architecture des compresseurs optiques classiques, donc, pas de réglages d'attaque possible. Elle est prédéfinie, mais je ne sais pas à quelle valeur. Le taux de compression est réglable (ouf !) mais il n'y a pas de release (L"hallucination).
C'est du rudimentaire quoi.
Le son, premier constat, c'est que c'est très efficace dans la mesure ou la moindre variation du taux de compression se ressent nettement.
Mais au delà de ça, très gros défaut, le LMC-1 colore énormément le son, avec une fâcheuse tendance à jouer le rôle de filtre coupe-bas. Du coup, il devient systématique des réhausser les basses après le LMC-1.
Mais mis à part ça, le rendu est agréable à l'oreille. du moins, sur un son de batterie, elle parait plus naturelle plus "chaude", plus dans un espace réel grâce au LMC-1.
J'utilise le LMC à la phase de composition, dans le séquenceur, sur certaines pistes, de façon très légère, mais rarement au mix, et certainement pas au mastering où je préfère passer là par Waves SSL4000 comp.
le poste date un peu depuis le temps...
mais tu sais le manque de réglage et le son pariculier de ce plug n'a rien d'étonnant car il porte vraiment son nom si tu vois ce que je veux dire.
Il était utilisé pour remonté le niveau pour faciliter la discussion entre l'ingé et les musicos dans le studio si tu lis sur le site ssl tu comprendra mieux et tu verra que parfois le hasard réserve de belles suprires, je te colle l'article ssl a + amigos :
Every now and again a piece of audio equipment comes along that defines the sound of an era. Back in 1979 Solid State Logic gave birth to a legendary recording console. The SSL SL 4000E Master Studio System forever changed how records would be recorded and mixed, heralding a new age in popular music. In less than three years, every major studio worldwide featured at a least one room with an SSL “E” Series console.
The SSL Listen Mic Compressor was the secret weapon in many producers sonic arsenal of recording techniques. Originally designed to prevent overloading the return feed from a studio communications mic, its fixed attack and release curves were eminently suitable for use on ambient drums mics. Of course, we’d like to take all the credit for this great sound, but as usual, it was the creativity of SSL users that led to the idea.
Long-time SSL user Hugh Padgham was one of the first to capture this new drum sound on tape,while working with Steve Lilywhite on Peter Gabriel’s ‘Intruder’, he told Mix magazine:* "On a normal console, you have a button to press to talk to the musicians in the headphones, but you did not have a button to press for us to listen to the musicians. To do that, you'd plug a microphone into a spare channel on the desk and listen to your musicians through that. But the SSL had a reverse talkback button and there was a microphone hanging up in the studio already, a dedicated input into the reverse mic input on the console. And on this microphone, they had the most unbelievably heavy compressor, so you could hear somebody who was over in the corner.
"One day, Phil (Collins) was playing the drums,” Hugh recalls, “and I had the reverse talkback on because he was speaking, and then he started playing the drums. The most unbelievable sound came out because of the heavy compressor. I said, 'My God, this is the most amazing sound! Steve, listen to this.' But the way the reverse talkback was setup, you couldn't record it. So I had the desk modified that night. I got one of the maintenance guys to take the desk apart and get a split output of this compressor and feed it into a patch point on the jack field so I could then patch it into a channel on the board. From there, we were able to route that to the tape recorder."
Now you can experience the Listen Mic Compressor within the comfort of your own workstation software and see what sounds it’ll lead you to create. If you discover something really great – like a radical new distorted oboe sound then be sure to let us know.
mais tu sais le manque de réglage et le son pariculier de ce plug n'a rien d'étonnant car il porte vraiment son nom si tu vois ce que je veux dire.
Il était utilisé pour remonté le niveau pour faciliter la discussion entre l'ingé et les musicos dans le studio si tu lis sur le site ssl tu comprendra mieux et tu verra que parfois le hasard réserve de belles suprires, je te colle l'article ssl a + amigos :
Every now and again a piece of audio equipment comes along that defines the sound of an era. Back in 1979 Solid State Logic gave birth to a legendary recording console. The SSL SL 4000E Master Studio System forever changed how records would be recorded and mixed, heralding a new age in popular music. In less than three years, every major studio worldwide featured at a least one room with an SSL “E” Series console.
The SSL Listen Mic Compressor was the secret weapon in many producers sonic arsenal of recording techniques. Originally designed to prevent overloading the return feed from a studio communications mic, its fixed attack and release curves were eminently suitable for use on ambient drums mics. Of course, we’d like to take all the credit for this great sound, but as usual, it was the creativity of SSL users that led to the idea.
Long-time SSL user Hugh Padgham was one of the first to capture this new drum sound on tape,while working with Steve Lilywhite on Peter Gabriel’s ‘Intruder’, he told Mix magazine:* "On a normal console, you have a button to press to talk to the musicians in the headphones, but you did not have a button to press for us to listen to the musicians. To do that, you'd plug a microphone into a spare channel on the desk and listen to your musicians through that. But the SSL had a reverse talkback button and there was a microphone hanging up in the studio already, a dedicated input into the reverse mic input on the console. And on this microphone, they had the most unbelievably heavy compressor, so you could hear somebody who was over in the corner.
"One day, Phil (Collins) was playing the drums,” Hugh recalls, “and I had the reverse talkback on because he was speaking, and then he started playing the drums. The most unbelievable sound came out because of the heavy compressor. I said, 'My God, this is the most amazing sound! Steve, listen to this.' But the way the reverse talkback was setup, you couldn't record it. So I had the desk modified that night. I got one of the maintenance guys to take the desk apart and get a split output of this compressor and feed it into a patch point on the jack field so I could then patch it into a channel on the board. From there, we were able to route that to the tape recorder."
Now you can experience the Listen Mic Compressor within the comfort of your own workstation software and see what sounds it’ll lead you to create. If you discover something really great – like a radical new distorted oboe sound then be sure to let us know.
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